by Mr.R.D.SIVAKUMAR, M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech.,
Voter Day was pledged at West
Block, Department of M.Com (CA), ANJAC, Sivakasi, on 26th January,
2017, Wednesday. Mr.R.D.Sivakumar,M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech., Assistant
Professor and Head, Department of M.Com.(CA), and Assistant Professor of
Computer Science, ANJAC, Sivakasi Staff and Students were present on the
Ø Mr. R.D.Sivakumar,
M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech., Assistant Professor and Head, Department of M.Com. (CA) and
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, ANJAC will say all the
M.Com. (CA) Students, Please Stand Up.
Ø Mr. R.D.Sivakumar,
M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech., Head, Department of M.Com. (CA) and Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science, ANJAC shall read out the following pledge and
students will repeat the same.