M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.Tech. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of M.Com. (CA), ANJAC , Sivakasi acted as a Member in the 35th Academic Council
Meeting held at ANJAC (Autonomous), Sivakasi on 15th June,
Mr. R.D.Sivakumar, Head,
Department of M.Com. (CA)
To Move Agenda:
“Honourable Chairman, Learned Members of the
Academic Council,
The College Council at its meeting held on 05.04.2016 considered the revised
Course Scheme and Scheme of Examinations for P.G. Degree Course in Commerce
(Computer Applications) for those who will join the Course in June 2017 and
later, as recommended by the Board of Studies in Commerce (Computer
Applications) (P.G.) in its meeting held on 05.02.2016 and approved the same.
Accordingly it is now placed before the Academic Council for its approval.
I have honour to move the following resolutions
Ø Resolved that the revised Course Scheme and
Scheme of Examinations for P.G. Degree Course in Commerce (Computer
Applications) (Vide Appendix – XV) be approved.
Ø Resolved further that this shall be applicable
to those who will join the course in June 2017 and later.
To second Agenda:
“I second it” – Dr. R.Manohar
Now its Open for Discussion
by Chairman
Thank You, Sirs.
To Move Agenda:
“Honourable Chairman, Learned Members of the
Academic Council,
The College Council at its meeting held on 05.04.2016 considered the revised
Course Scheme and Scheme of Examinations and syllabi of the Certificate Course
in Accounting Automation for those who will join the Course in June 2016 and
later, as recommended by the Board of Studies in Commerce (Computer
Applications) (P.G.) in its meeting held on 05.02.2016 and approved the same.
Accordingly it is now placed before the Academic Council for its approval.
I have honour to move the following resolutions
Ø Resolved that the revised Course Scheme and
Scheme of Examinations and Syllabi of Certificate Course in Accounting
Automation (Vide Appendix – XXXIV) be approved.
Ø Resolved further that this shall be applicable
to those who will join the course in June 2016 and later.
Ø Resolved
further that these shall be applicable to those who joined the courses
in June 2014 and June 2015.
To second Agenda:
“I second it” – Dr. R.Manohar
Now its Open Discussion
by Chairman
Thank You, Sirs.