E-Contents based on various Universities Curriculum
Ø Object Oriented Programming in C++ ( M.Com (CA) Syllabi for I Semester)
Ø HTML (Common Paper for UG and PG Web Designing Syllabi)
Ø JAVA (B.Sc (CS&IT) Syllabi for IV Semester)
Ø Information Technology (Core based Skilled Paper Syllabi–for all arts UG Students)
Ø Operating System (B.C.A. Syllabi for IV Semester)
Ø Visual Basic (M.Com.(CA) Syllabi for II Semester)
Ø Database Technology (M.Com. (CA) Syllabi for II Semester)
Ø Accounting Package (M.Com. (CA) Syllabi for IV Semester and B.Com.(CA/EC/SF))
Ø M-Commerce (M.Com.(CA) Syllabi for III Semester)
Ø Soft Skill (PG Syllabi for III Semester)
Ø Counselling
Ø Software Engineering (M.Com.(CA) Syllabi for IV Semester)
E-Contents based on School Curriculum
Ø CBCS Syllabi - +1 Computer Science Subject
Ø CBCS Syllabi - +2 Computer Science Subject
Ø In the following e-learning websites are included in the list of reference Webliography of the M.Com.(CA) syllabus held at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi.
RDS E-learning Websites